Oh, I missed Amable so much. One can learn so much from him and his stories! Today he told us how he ran away from home when he was 16. He wanted to be a preacher, but when he arrived to the church, he was told that he was to young. Then, he went back home and everyone was looking for him! After that, his father understood that he really wanted to study religion.  
So we had our first dialogue on the book by Hofstadter "Godel, Escher, Bach". This book introduces us to the nature of the mind, according to Blum, our facilitator of this class. I got so interested, because we talked about transcendentalism and empiricism and how we perceive reality. 
So, first day at MPC and I am actually really excited. Morning meeting began 7 am sharp. Seeing everyone was quite exciting, I really love these people. So, starting we spoke a little about our experiences in the past vacations. I would say, first of all, I had this breakdown and am becoming some kind of environmentalist. (Not the socialist type of environmentalist, neither the capitalist-as-we-know-it-today environmentalist). Bert told me something about foundations that have free-market ideas that can be a good contact for having a summer experience there!

Majo went to China, Bert is taking piano lessons now, Marce spoke about the MPC ethics being applied in her everyday life. Truly, culture changes behavior. 

We had breakfast with really cool people like, Kyle P., Carla Hess, Armando de la Torre (I'm so excited we're working with him!). Also, Karen is the new MPC director. I'm extremely excited. 


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